Apr 16, 2024
ANNOUNCEMENT: To get a sneak peek into my signature psychology-based program, Unstuffed, join us for the FREE LIVE TRAINING. You can snag all the details when you register HERE.
This week, I’m excited to share the interview of our thriving client, Beth Riedemann on her unique experience in my signature psychology-based weight loss program, Unstuffed.
As a yo-yo dieter who has bounced up and down the scale for over 30 years, Beth reveals how she was able to finally achieve weight loss success without counting calories or eliminating processed foods.
At over 50 years old, Beth was nearly ready to throw in the towel. Tired of calorie counting and waking up every morning feeling like a failure who couldn't do something as simple as eat less food. It was maddening!
So what changed? Beth shares:
I LOVED this interview with Beth. One of my favorite client interviews of all-time. It's always fun to hear clients share their stories and let our listeners know what's possible when they have the courage to try something different. Not to mention, Beth definitely knows how to bring the humor and make an otherwise vulnerable topic, light-hearted and actionable.
Be sure to give this episode a listen and let us know what topics you’d like us to cover in the future.
If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or feel out of control around food and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.
Or, if you want to be the first to know when we'll be opening the doors to Unstuffed and get access to exclusive FREE bonuses, you can join the Interest List. There's zero obligation to join.