Feb 14, 2022
Research shows that "normal eaters" think about food 10-15% of
the time throughout the day, but dieters often think about food for
up to 70% of their day. That's a lot of wasted time.
Constantly thinking about food, dieting, and body image can make it
feel like you have an addiction. However, it's normal to think
about food when feeling deprived. Absence makes the heart grow
fonder, right?
One of the most unfortunate truths of dieting is how it robs you of
being in the present. Food is no longer a pleasurable experience,
but rather an anxiety-inducing situation riddled with guilt and
And that is exactly why I created my online group coaching program,
Unstuffed — to help you break-free from
the shackles of restrictive dieting and develop the psychological
tools to lose weight while enjoying all of your favorite foods —
without the drama.
In this week's Fat Murder Podcast episode
with co-coach, Eileen Trujillo, we're going to help you get
You'll learn:
Connect with Leslie:
If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating
and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.
If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the
struggle along side it, get my free guide — Lose the
Diet, Gain a Life. I'll show you how to drop unwanted
pounds without ever having to diet again.
Go to lesliehooper.com for the guide.