May 23, 2022
One of the most popular and extremely important topics we
discuss with our Unstuffed clients is
fear and how to overcome it.
Most people bring up fear as if it is just a given. They use it as
a valid reason to avoid doing something. In reality, fear is not a
valid excuse for not doing our work in the world; it is just a
mismanaged mind.
In this week’s episode, co-coach, Eileen Trujillo, and I explain
exactly how fear works, why we are afraid to do important things in
our lives, and how you can use it to your advantage instead of
letting it control you.
Listen in to learn valuable and actionable tips that you can start
using today to help you create the life you deserve.
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If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating
and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.
If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the
struggle along side it, get my free guide — Lose the
Diet, Gain a Life. I'll show you how to drop unwanted
pounds without ever having to diet again.
Go to for the guide.