Aug 15, 2022
Daniel Pink is the best-selling author of books that show the
hidden ways to motivate yourself and those around you. His new book
is all about The Power of Regret.
Daniel was still in his 20s when he’d risen to be the chief
speechwriter to the Vice President of the United States, but he
walked away from it all with no idea what he wanted to do next. He
decided to bring his wisdom to all of us with his best-selling
Today on the Fat Murder Podcast,
co-coach, Laura
Kalirai, and I talk about Daniel Pink’s take on the power of
Do you think regret is bad? We all need regrets in our lives to
guide us on how to bounce back from our mistakes, as well as
appreciate our wins.
This unconventional view might be exactly what you need to take
things to the next level.
Check it out and let us know if there was a key takeaway that
resonated with you. We’d love to hear your insights!
References from today's episode:
Daniel Pink's book The Power of Regret
Daniel Pink interviewed on the CEO of a Diary Podcast
Connect with Leslie:
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and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.
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struggle along side it, you can get started by taking the Weight
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