Feb 21, 2022
In this week’s episode of the Fat Murder Podcast, I invited our Unstuffed Team Leader, Miriam Blyth, on for a chat about three pillars for long-term, sustainable weight loss.
Can you guess what they are? In my 17 years of coaching, I’ve never seen a client achieve permanent results without addressing these three core issues.
If one of these pillars isn't in place, the whole thing comes tumbling down.
Give this episode a listen and let me know how you’re doing with each pillar.
Connect with Leslie:
If you’re struggling with emotional, binge, or compulsive eating
and you’re interested in personalized coaching, apply here.
If you want to learn how to not-only lose weight, but lose the
struggle along side it, get my free guide — Lose the
Diet, Gain a Life. I'll show you how to drop unwanted
pounds without ever having to diet again.
Go to lesliehooper.com for the guide.