Mar 29, 2021
This week's episode of the Fat Murder Podcast is all about optimizing your success through being coachable.
Mar 22, 2021
On today's episode of the Fat Murder Podcast, Rog Law, joins me as we discuss: Are you focusing on what's going well or what's going wrong?
As humans, we're guilty of focusing on what's wrong in our lives. It's natural. You can blame this nifty little habit on your reptilian brain whose sole purpose is to protect you...
Mar 15, 2021
Mar 8, 2021
The problem with labeling foods "good" or "bad" is now they've been given life. It stops being a neutral food choice and starts having a moral implication.
Mar 1, 2021
This week on the Fat Murder Podcast, co-coachi, Eileen Trujillo is back to talk about how to create a life you love, right now. NOT 10 pounds from now, but TODAY.