Jul 16, 2024
In this episode, we had the pleasure of interviewing two-time
client, Rachael, a registered dietician.
After losing weight using the strategies in 75 Hard, Rachael knew
she was barely hanging on by a thread and couldn’t maintain the
extreme restriction required that caused her to lose the
At one point, her husband expressed concern about her dieting
behaviors and feeling backed into a corner, Rachael relented and
decided to give up dieting altogether.
As someone who experienced a classic history of yo-yoing with no
long-term results to speak of, she decided she’d benefit from the
structure and like-minded community offered in the Unstuffed
In this episode, Rachael opens up and shares the shame she
experienced as a dietician who sought help in the very arena she
had received a Master’s Degree.
She also shares her first experience in the program and why she
later returned for more coaching.
In this week's episode, Rachael shares:
- The biggest challenges she throughout the program and how she's
been able to execute the psychological tools she learned to remain
consistent in her habits
- Rachael shares why she decided to try hunger directed eating
and how the program helped her identify herself as a struggling
- What holiday and social eating looks like for her now compared
to years previous (hint: no more food anxiety, fear of losing
control or feeling left out)
- Rachael’s BEST piece of advice for those who fear they'll gain
weight if they stop calorie counting and focus on weight loss
through behavior change
For more conversations on topics like binge eating, emotional
eating, and the all-or-nothing mindset, you can check out
previously recorded episodes. If there’s a topic you’d like us to
cover in an upcoming episode, let us know in the comments
This was an awesome client interview and I’m so excited to share it
with you! I hope you dig in and find it helpful.