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Outsmart Overeating Podcast

Sep 21, 2020

Dieters think that they have an 'eating too much food' problem, and this is why they can't lose weight. And while there is certainly truth to that, it's not the whole story. We spend only a few hours per week eating, but we spend 168 hours without our thoughts, and it's these same thoughts that cause us to struggle. Food isn't the problem; it's how we THINK, FEEL, and INTERACT with food that's our biggest hindrance.

Join Rog Law and me as we drop the hammer on your scarcity mindset and show you how to reach the fat loss promiseland, once and for all.

Topics discussed:

  • Why telling yourself "no" keeps you in a perpetual state of feeling restricted and deprived (which leads to more overeating).
  • The real reason behind your obsessive thoughts about food and how to beat them into submission.
  • How the 'good food' vs 'bad food' dichotomy is one of the primary reasons why you overeat and why it's critical to your success that you learn how to detach from food emotionally.
  • Why the "Last Supper" mentality keeps you stuck in a perpetual state of guilt, causing you to self-sabotage.
  • Actionable steps to help you abandon a scarcity mindset and switch to one of abundance, and lose the food obsession forever.

Check out this week's episode and let us know what you think. If there's a future topic you'd like us to cover, please leave it in the comments. We'd also love to hear which episode is your favorite or what topics have helped you the most. Was it mastering your hunger? Overcoming procrastination? Managing your cravings? Let us know!