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Outsmart Overeating Podcast

Jul 27, 2020

Have you ever bought cookies you’ve been craving, consumed the entire box, and then taken out the trash before your partner returns home?

Or maybe you’ve ordered a salad while dining out with friends, but stopped to pick up a cheeseburger and fries on your way home so you can enjoy the food without feeling...

Jul 20, 2020

Calorie counting is often touted as the Holy Grail of fat loss, and while it is effective, it often comes with a heavy mental and physical price tag attached to it. From constantly being on-guard about how many calories every piece of food you eat contains to avoiding social events because you fear not being able handle...

Jul 13, 2020

With our phones being glued to our hands on a daily basis, social media is the place where many of us spend the majority of our digital time, and unfortunately this can hijack not only our fat loss results, but our happiness as well. 

We are the result of our environment, and when we're constantly afloat in a sea of...

Jul 6, 2020

Physical hunger shows itself with a physical sensation of emptiness in your stomach, often accompanied by a rumbling feeling. Psychological hunger is simply the desire to eat, with no physical indicators that your body is needing more food at that moment.

Eating when your body isn't signaling a need for more fuel is...