Nov 30, 2020
People pleasers are not just nice people who go above and beyond trying to make everyone happy. Those who suffer from the "Disease to Please" are people who say "Yes" when they really want to say "No" and as a result, lose sight of what they authentically want.
Join co-coach, Eileen Trujillo, and me as we discuss...
Nov 23, 2020
If you’re anything like me, you grew up in a home where you were
encouraged to “clean your plate.”
We rarely question the beliefs or habits that are passed down to us
as children, and as a result, we repeat these same patterns as
adults, blindly accepting them as gospel truth without ever
questioning their...
Nov 16, 2020
When it comes to losing fat, dieters are bombarded with so much information that it can completely cripple them. On top of having to manage the constant flow of conflicting information, you're also faced with the daily demands of life that quickly drain your willpower, leaving them stuck in a perpetual rut.
Nov 9, 2020
When it comes to being "naturally thin," most people think that it comes down to a roll of the genetic dice, and if you're unlucky enough to roll the wrong set of genes, you're screwed.
The reality is that while genetics certainly play a role in your body composition, they're not the primary driver when it comes...
Nov 2, 2020